To the Ann Bennets in the World, I would like to take a chance to thank you. But first, I need to explain why…
My brother-in-law had shared a picture on Facebook of me from my competition on the 22nd in Towson, MD. He made mention of my hard work and was proud to share it (which I greatly appreciate, btw!). The first person to comment on this picture (it's the side tricep picture posted in my last blog post) was a woman by the name of Ann Bennet. I’ve never met this woman before, and after she reads this blog post (when I send her the link of course) I’m going to assume I probably won’t get the opportunity, but I digress.
Ann made the comment “Is that even attractive?” And very quickly family members, to even include my grandmother stepped up to defend me. Comments about my hard work, dedication to the sport, and being an inspiration for others continued to post. The list is pretty lengthy and a very real reminder of how supported I am in the endeavors I partake in.
When I was told of the comment made by Ann, I wasn’t upset, or angry, or wish any negative feelings towards her, or anyone else that might also feel this way for that matter (besides, isn’t that what Karma is for?). I was not shocked by her ignorance, as she clearly doesn’t understand the devotion I have to the sport of women’s bodybuilding. I could be rude and make some snide comments about her appearance, but that’s juvenile. But I will pose this question to you Ann…Do you think you are attractive? Because when I look in the mirror, I am proud of the body I have, proud of my striated muscles, proud of my dry, vascular skin…and determined to only get better. How do you feel when you look in the mirror? Please consider that when you think you have a right to comment on someone else's picture...
I know there are plenty of people, women specifically, that cringe at the thought of being able to lift as much, if not more weight than the guy next to them at the gym. Hell, some women still believe the fitness myth that weight training will make them bulky and muscular! No sweetheart, I’d venture to say you would never have the drive, passion, or mental commitment to ever look how I do. I don’t have the desire to look like a unhealthy model with unrealistic body stats. I don’t see anorexia as a thing of beauty. I don’t have the desire to look like Kate Moss, or walk around with my rib cage poking through my skin. Unfortunately in the society we live in, those are the women's bodies that are envied.
But my real concern is this. How many people out there, men and women alike, fail to follow a dream, pursue a goal, or attempt something so great, out of fear of what others may think? How many lost opportunities are we missing out on out of fear of being criticized? I'm not only referring to bodybuilding, it's an epidemic that can affect every facet of our lives. How discouraging is that?!
How sad is our society that because someone is different they must face adverse opinions, rather than words of encouragement to keep that stamina and drive themselves to the next level. Not everyone can be elite. Not everyone can do what I do, and that's what makes this sport, as well as every successful person, a target for those that are happy with the mundane, the status quo, the boring, if you will.
So to Ann, and all the rest of the fools out there, thank you for reminding me why I endure every night in the gym, why I focus so much on my diet, and spend countless hours perfecting my body. I don't ask others to understand or even agree with my life choices, but don't sell yourself short. Don't be afraid to try something different and outside of your comfort zone because you fear that others will not approve. Why settle to be average, when you can find greatness?
Rachael, I commend all the hard work & the discipline you have sacrificed to achieve all the success you have received so far, This life style you have chosen, only proves to show .Yes everyone can accomplish, what ever dream they have IF and AS LONG as They Put FORTH The EFFORT. You Said IT Best DO IT don't just talk about it, , YOUR LIVING PROOF OF THAT A PERSON can Have & Results DON'T LIE, Shine Rachael. Shine, you are 1 polished, chiseled, Work of Art, Beautiful, INSPIRATION. Thank You Rachael for showing how it's Done. God Speed, Mom
ReplyDeleteThose who criticize, judge, and hate are just fuel that feed our fire. You are accomplishing great things while others just sink in their pool of negativity without the accomplishment of enjoying life to the fullest. There is people that will never be satisfied with who you are. It's truly an inspiration that you continue to prove them wrong by striving for the stronger version of yourself in all aspects of life.Your words speak with such truth that reach the people that matter. The people you influence to reach their dreams. By that accomplishment in itself, those who don't approve don't' matter, because your army is stronger. -Flavio and Jess